
Contact Info

Where and When

  • Date: Wednesday 06/11/2024 at 13:00 to 17:00
  • Location: Unit 1, Weavers Court, Linfield Rd, Belfast BT12 5GH Ring the door bell on this black door

This is a chance for you to see the office and the setup we have. You will be able to speak to other people that have been on internship and secured jobs that brought them through an apprenticeship or Ulster University. We will be teaching you how easy it is to make your own frontend application with which is a JavaScript Framework. During the lesson you will see how a frontend application is setup and how you can make your own. We have done this previous as a lesson at the Ulster University Computer Society. There will be people here to help you with your development.

Before coming:

  • If you install NPM on your computer: as this will help us do more during the lesson

Lesson Plan

  • 13:00 to 13:30: Pizza eating and drinks
  • 13:30 to 14:00: introduction to Vuejs and setting up a project
  • 14:00 to 15:00: Vuejs Hello World Project
  • 15:00 to 16:00: How to develop with Vuejs
  • 16:00 to 17:00: Making your own custom project with Vuejs you can add to your github portfolio

Please email to let us know the following:

  • That you are attending on the date above
  • If you have an dietary requirements so we get the correct pizzas
  • If you are bringing your own laptop or need to be provided with a laptop for the lesson

What you will get from the event

  • Learn how easy it is to learn frontend development
  • Speak to people that have been in your position in the Belfast MET and are now in industry. Learn from the path they took
  • Let Galvia Digital be aware of you. We have a lot of opportunities that appear even if you do not take our 14 week internship. We can introduce you to companies that we work with which will give you an advantage in the workplace. We can open our network to you. Last year we worked with 200 companies across Northern Ireland in VR/AR, Big Data, Robotics, ML/AI, IoT and blockchain. Our press release:
  • You can be fast tracked to our internship program